Unearth Who You Are Through Song and Beyond

Come out! Come out! Wherever you are!
Out of the darkness, into the light.
Be brave.
It’s safe.
There’s nothing to fear.
Take my hand.
Walk with me, won’t you?

Come out! Come out!
Wherever you are!
Out of the darkness, into the light.
Be brave.
It’s safe.
There’s nothing to fear.
Take my hand.
Walk with me, won’t you?

You’ve silenced your voice for so long!
It’s time to break new ground,
to be seen and heard.
Join me.
There’s no need to do this alone.
I need you as much as you need me.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”"
Anaïs Nin
~ French-Cuban-American author ~
Well, hello there,
oh magnificent you!
Carolyn Lykkemark, I am. An avant-garde creative artist who walks through this thing called life, honoring both the dark and the light in myself and others. From this spiritual foundation, I help people unearth joy and creativity in their lives through singing lessons, theatrical-musical experiences and heart clearings.
Let’s journey together, shall we? You bring your inner and outer voices, along with all their needs, cravings, and yearnings. I’ll bring my lifetime of experience as a performer, and as a student and teacher of singing and spiritual awakening.
Let’s go! Follow me.
In Love, Light & Laughter!

One-on-One 60 Minute Singing Lessons
In-Person in Mississauga, Ontario or Online
Pop / Classical / Musical Theatre
Year-Round Registration
Adults to Kids (Ages 8 & up)
Sparks Joy?
Raging heart productions
Transformative Experiences by Amna of Sarah (aka Carolyn Lykkemark)
Cover Songs and Originals
Color / Costume / Movement
Laugh, Cry, Rage
One-on-One 60 Minute Sessions
Removing Blocks
An Intuitive, Mindful, Holistic Process
Uncover / Articulate / Release